
We are the Innovations in Education Conference Committee

Our History

Innovations began as a conference “For Doers, By Doers.”


The “doing” in this case referred to implementing Response to Intervention (RtI) concepts. At its inception, RtI was focused on the individual student and that student’s response to instruction and intervention.

The advent of universal screening, influenced our ability to efficiently identify students, and their needs. It created the opportunity to think more systemically about our instructional delivery systems and to apply RtI concepts across the educational cascade.


This application is what is known today as a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS).


It is a framework for addressing the needs of each and every student through the use of universal screening, leadership teams, data-both student and implementation data for decision making, evidence based instructional practices that are organized across multiple tiers-universal for all students, secondary intervention for some students, and intensive supports for a few students.

Our Presenters & Attendees 

Learn directly from people who are implementing MTSS.

Our attendees range from those with the longest-standing experience implementing RtI/MTSS in practice to those just starting their implementation learning.

MTSS: 28 Years of Research to Practice

We are so excited to celebrate and reflect on 28 years of the Annual Innovations Conference supporting research to practice! Over these years, components of MTSS have been researched, and implementation has expanded across the educational cascade from Preschool through High School. Seminal writings have influenced implementation of MTSS, including Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) Response to Intervention (RtI), the Science of Reading and Implementation Science.

All of the sessions this year, as always,  will focus on research based findings and each presenter will share a research article that has influenced their practices. We are looking forward to welcoming you to this years Annual Innovations Conference!

Our Ultimate Goal

Support the collective learning of all who participate

Every educator’s experience is a valuable part of that goal. Thank you for your interest and commitment to all children.

We wish you well in your efforts to implement MTSS! 

The Innovations Conference Planning Committee,

Judy Elliott, Margie McGlinchey, Dawn Miller, Pam Radford, and Stephanie Stollar

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