Dr. Amber Humm Patnode Presenting Breakout Session 10

The Evolution of Early Warning Systems to Student Success Systems


The Evolution of Early Warning Systems to Student Success Systems

This session will provide participants the opportunity to learn how to develop student success systems to collaboratively support youth, families and educators.

Learning Objectives:

1. Increased knowledge of early warning systems indicators and thresholds within student success systems

2. Increased knowledge of the components and conditions necessary to support student success systems

3. Increased knowledge of tools and resources to create student success systems

4. Increased knowledge of how to utilize student success systems to improve outcomes for all students

Target Audience:

District and Building Administrators Student Services Personnel (school counselors, school psychologists, school social workers) MTSS/PBIS/SEL Leads

Dr. Amber Humm Patnode


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MTSS: 28 Years of Research to Practice

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