Dr. Kelly Tuomikoski Presenting Breakout Session 02
Student assessment 101 (and 401): Using Universal Screening Data Across the Cascade
Student assessment 101 (and 401): Using Universal Screening Data Across the Cascade
In this session, we will define a comprehensive assessment system and focus on Universal Screening, its purpose and use. Whether you are a teacher, coach, principal or district leader, you have an important role to play in using screening data to identify students in need of more support and to review the outcomes of those supports. This session will focus on the basics of using screening data at each level of the cascade while diving deeper into advanced topics including how special educators and English language specialists are essential partners in conducting universal screening and how “grown-up” data (e.g., fidelity, capacity) can be considered alongside “kid data” to better meet the needs of all students. Examples will be drawn from Acadience Reading K-6 data displays within Acadience Learning Online, but participants will be able to generalize their learning across data systems and grade bands.
Learning Objectives:
1. Understand the role screening data plays within an MTSS to identify students in need of more support and to review the outcomes of those supports
2. Identify essential questions to ask at the class, grade, school and district levels when examining universal screening data, including questions specific to the inclusion of students with disabilities and students learning English
3. Consider additional data sources to include in future decision making
Target Audience:
Teachers, specialists, instructional coaches, principals and district leadersÂ

Dr. Kelly Tuomikoski